Paraje Arevalo, a quaint and picturesque village...
AMI News and Resources
Leadership Talks
Cafe Zoe Menlo Park: A New Twist on Your Favorite Coffee Spot
In the bustling heart of Menlo Park, Cafe Zoe...
AMI Podcast Warns of North Las Vegas Eminent Domain foreclosure plan
Washington, D.C. The Association of Mortgage...
The MBS Investor’s Case Against the Mortgage Settlement
AMI’s concerns about the National Mortgage...
The AMI Laments the AG Foreclosure Settlement: Will Likely Harm Average Americans, Unions, and Seniors
The Association of Mortgage Investors (AMI)...
AMI Leader Speaks on AG Mortgage Servicer Settlement
Friday, February 10th, 2012 Enclosed are the...
Ecco Boston: A Hidden Gem in East Boston’s Rich Cultural Tapestry
East Boston, a neighborhood steeped in history...
AMI Condemns Richmond, California’s Actions and The Use of Eminent Domain in General
For immediate release Contact: 202-327-8100...
AMI Releases Eminent Domain Podcast re Brockton, Mass
Media Advisory Monday, April 1st, 2013...
Barofsky on the Mortgage Settlement: Don’t Believe the Hype
AMI Asks How the Foreclosure Settlement Will Affect Average Americans, Unions, and Seniors?
The Association of Mortgage Investors Asks How...
Press Release: AMI Cautions State AGs Don’t Rush a Settlement; Get It Right
For immediate release Contact: 202-327-8100...
Celebrating Dame Enid Diana Elizabeth Rigg: A Journey Through an Extraordinary Life
Dame Enid Diana Elizabeth Rigg, born on July 20,...
AMI Releases Podcast Warning Against the Richmond, CA Eminent Domain Foreclosure Plan
Washington, D.C. The Association of Mortgage...
AMI notes GMU Prof. Anthony Sanders on Eminent Domain Harming the Public, Investors
AMI invites your attention to the following...
AMI in Zerohedge: Who is Really Paying the $25 bn Mortgage Settlement?
AMI was featured as part of the ongoing debate...
AMI Hosts Investor-only Conference Call with HUD, Justice
On Tuesday, Feb. 14, 2012, AMI hosted an...
AMI Testifies before House Financial Services Subcommittee
Wednesday, Dec. 7th – AMI Executive Director...